Tyler Hunt
Author of 4 CRAN packages
Tyler Hunt has completed 4 packages, and it looks like they're just getting started. Keep an eye out for more! Tyler Hunt teamed up with 55 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
4 Packages
- Simon Urbanek
- Thomas J. Leeper
- Thierry Onkelinx
- Boettiger Carl
- Andrew Martin
- Mark Thompson
- Steven Akins
- Bao Nguyen
- Andrii Degtiarov
- Dhruv Aggarwal
- Alyssa Columbus
- Jed Wing
- Steve Weston
- Allan Engelhardt
- Chris Keefer
- Michael Benesty
- Andrew Ziem
- R Core Team
- Max Kuhn
- Can Candan
- Zachary Mayer
- Tony Cooper
- Luca Scrucca
- Yuan Tang
- Andre Williams
- Reynald Lescarbeau
- Brenton Kenkel
- Kornelius Rohmeyer
- Boris Hejblum
- Adrian Hordyk
- Michael Friendly
- Yihui Xie
- Berry Boessenkool
- Dieter Menne
- Tal Galili
- Russ Hyde
- Barry Rowlingson
- G. Grothendieck
- Gerhard Burger
- Arthur Gailes
- Thomas Leeper
- Jonathan Godfrey
- Chan-Yub Park
- Dason
- Felix Schonbrodt
- Heuristic Andrew
- James
- VitoshKa
- Takekatsu Hiramura
- Tom Allard
- ChingChuan Chen
- Jonathan Hill
- Gerhard Nachtmann
- Lyndon D'Arcy